Taascom’s Servitization Platform

We have the technology, experience and expertise to enable your full transformation and transition your B2B company to the Servitization Economy.

No matter what your product is, we have the technology, the experience, and the expertise to enable your full transformation. Transition from a transactional economy to a relationship economy, grow recurring revenue, nurture a dedicated customer base that competitors will find difficult to disrupt, increase your valuation, and become predictive instead of merely reactive.

Our Contextual Commerce Service (CCS) platform orchestrates the XaaS Business Model — be it Device-as-a-Service, Auto-Replenishment-as-a-Service, or Uptime-as-a-Service — so you can transition to the Servitization Economy.

Our Technology Partnership Model Is Key to Your Success

We come in and enable your transformation, get things going, and then run and maintain the technology behind the new operation while sharing both your risk and success as your partner.

Reduced Time to Market

Shared Risk

Minimized Investment

We work with CXOs , P&L heads, Sales, Service and Marketing heads who are keen to reshape their offerings to customers. Together, we work as a tag team to take an offering to market, test and validate, apply lessons learned, and then scale and expand offerings.

Typical Deployment